[GRASS5] [bug #881] (grass) G_lookup_f_raster_colors takes DCELL instead Of FCELL as it should...

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Wed Dec 19 17:30:42 EST 2001

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=881

Subject: G_lookup_f_raster_colors takes DCELL instead Of FCELL as it should...

Platform: Solaris7/Intel
Xwindows manager: KDE 2.x
TclTk version: tcl/tk 8.3
grass downloaded at: Baylor site
grass binary for platform: I compiled the sources myself
grass sources source: no, I got a source code package from the server, 5.0
c compiler name: gcc

in the file gisdefs.h, the function G_lookup_f_raster_colors(DCELL*, .....) should take in argument an FCELL*. It produces error at compilation time when trying to use this grass function in other software....

Should be easy to fix....

have a good day

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