[GRASS5] developers list search engine available

Bob Covill bcovill at tekmap.ns.ca
Fri Feb 23 13:39:08 EST 2001


Just going throught the BUG list to see if I can help with anything.

r.in.bin - This uses G_scan_east and G_scan_northing to read input input
coordinates, so DD:mm:ss should work. I can update the html man page on this.

i.rectify - update history. It appears that i.rectify and i.rectify2 just copy
the original rasters history and do not make any changes. I will look at adding
a section to change the History structure accordingly.

Great to hear that NVIZ is working well for you with the new video upgrade. I am
curious to know if you are able to get a larger high resolution output with the
new tile dumping routines. Theoretically a higher end video setup should have a
larger OpenGL viewport. But I wonder if the max size is hardwired in OpenGL.
I think it is defined in gl.h?

Bob Covill

Tekmap Consulting
P.O. Box 2016 Fall River, N.S.
B2T 1K6

E-Mail: bcovill at tekmap.ns.ca
Phone: 902-860-1496
Fax: 902-860-1498

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