[GRASS5] GRASS 5 and sockets: default?
Justin Hickey
jhickey at hpcc.nectec.or.th
Wed Feb 21 01:59:27 EST 2001
Hi Markus, Eric
Markus Neteler wrote:
> > Well, for some reason I see tcltkgrass has a "d.mon start=$mon"
> > followed by a "d.mon stop=$mon". I'm not sure why it's set-up like
> > this...
> >
> > In src/tcltkgrass/main/gui.tcl:
> >
> > proc stop_monitors {} {
> > foreach monitor [search_xdrivers] {
> > exec d.mon start=$monitor >& /dev/null
> > exec d.mon stop=$monitor >& /dev/null
> > script_add "d.mon start=$monitor >& /dev/null" "cmd"
> > script_add "d.mon stop=$monitor >& /dev/null" "cmd"
> > }
> > }
> >
> > Since it's run without a controlling tty, and the monitor is already
> > running when d.mon is asked to start it again, you get an error
> > message in your mailbox from d.mon...
> >
> > Anybody want to hit me with a clue stick as to why tcltkgrass would
> > first try to start the monitor? only to kill it?
> Eric,
> just guessing:
> In case you have running x3 only, the "for" loop would try to
> close x0 (crash), x1 (crash), x2 (crash), x3 (o.k.) etc.
> As d.mon -L is running now, we could use this to find the
> running monitors. d.mon -L was failing with fifos (at least on Linux).
Well I looked at the code and the search_xdrivers procedures is a list
of monitors that are currently open, based on a call to "xlsclients -l".
Thus, this list should only contain monitors that are open, unless for
some reason, the connection (socket, fifo, ipc) was closed and the
window was left open. Therefore, I don't see any reason for the start
commands and I think it should be changed to
proc stop_monitors {} {
foreach monitor [search_xdrivers] {
exec d.mon stop=$monitor >& /dev/null
script_add "d.mon stop=$monitor >& /dev/null" "cmd"
This seems to work on my machine using sockets. The "close all x
monitors" option for quit worked well, but the
Config->Monitors->stop->x0 menu option seemed to take a long time. Of
course this change is also necessary for the stop_monitor procedure.
Anyway, what do you think?
Jazzman (a.k.a. Justin Hickey) e-mail: jhickey at hpcc.nectec.or.th
High Performance Computing Center
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)
Bangkok, Thailand
People who think they know everything are very irritating to those
of us who do. ---Anonymous
Jazz and Trek Rule!!!
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