[GRASS5] grass5.0 beta11pre2 sources released

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Sun Jan 28 07:22:06 EST 2001

Dear pre-testers,

[cc to grass5]

due to problems with GRASS monitor and some relevant
updates concerning Mac OS X I have put out a new

(on the mirrors soon)

Sorry for this inconvenience, but we kindly request you to
try this updated version.

Testers interested in using this code in WindowsNT/Cygnus
environment, please read README.cygnus within the code.
("how to easily use IPC instead of fifos")

The LZW-removal announcement has been updated:

You may use *new* the "r.lzw2z" to convert your FP raster
maps directly within the updated GRASS 5 beta11. If you already
have downloaded r.lzw2z, please update due to important improvements.

Thanks for testing, I hope this monitor problems are fixed now.

Kind regards

 Markus Neteler

Markus Neteler *  University of Hannover
Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Schneiderberg 50 * D-30167 Hannover * Germany
Tel: ++49-(0)511-762-4494  Fax: -3984

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