[GRASS5] grass5.11 pre beta

Eric G . Miller egm2 at jps.net
Sun Jan 28 05:09:07 EST 2001

On Sat, Jan 27, 2001 at 05:40:51PM -0700, Richard Christofferson wrote:
> Well! in setting up grass5.11, I was under the impression that 
> the unisys patented gif algorithm did not affect my raster files
> as they reside in a cell directory, such as:
> /local/grassdata/lovenia/PERMANENT/cell

Check /local/grassdata/lovenia/PERMANENT/fcell as well.  All fcell files
also have a zero byte "place holder" file in the cell directory. Or, in
other words, all raster files regardless of data type will have an entry
in the cell directory.

> So I did not run the fp_uncompress.sh on it.
> The problem is I cant get grass5.11 to show the raster images.
> The other versions of Grass I have (grass5.8) work fine, but I'm 
> having bad problems with my monitor.. d.rast fails and then it seems
> that grass loses contact with the monitor and I have to kill it by a
> running kill on the monitors pid.

Yes, there was an oops that got committed just before the sources were
tagged and checked out.  It's fixed now (I understand).

> Feeling much chastened I ran the uncompress and recompress scripts on 
> all my locations but that did not seem to help matters. Things remain
> much the same as they were.

Hmm, Did you run r.compress -u using old version?  Then, without
recompression, was new version able to read them?

> I removed the grass5.11 home dir and reinstalled after the recompression
> but that also did not help.

You don't want to recompress with the old version.  You want them
uncompressed *before* running the new version.  You can recompress them
with 5.0beta11 and everything should be okay (but older versions won't
be able to read them).  

> So essentially I'm not sure if this is an LZW problem or some other
> one.  And if it is an LZW related, issue what is the fix needed, after
> installing without running the compression scripts?
> This is a non production machine so I'm not too worried about what I
> do to it.

Perhaps, instructions were not clear enough.  We're sorry for the
problem, but we don't have any choice in the matter.

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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