[GRASS5] r3.out.v5d fixed - G3D rows/cols/depth order

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Fri Jan 26 12:00:32 EST 2001

Hi all,

I have fixed the output of r3.out.v5d to produce proper
(unflipped) output for Vis5D.

The export routine is changes from
  for (z = 0; z < depths; z++) {
    for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {  
      for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {

    for (z = 0; z < depths; z++) {
      for (x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
        for (y = 0; y < rows; y++) {

Note: the r3.out.ascii has a *different* way to output.
Still there some the confusion here, but I was successful
to assign x to cols and y to rows. Means: To me the rowcol.bug
stuff was done on G3D. 

To be done:

 - fix r3.in/out.ascii
 - r3.out.v5d exports one row/col/depth *less* than the volume
   size in GRASS. There was something with .5 cols/rows/depth.
   Any pointer here?


Markus Neteler *  University of Hannover
Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Schneiderberg 50 * D-30167 Hannover * Germany
Tel: ++49-(0)511-762-4494  Fax: -3984

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