[GRASS5] bugs

Helena Mitasova - staff helena at gis.uiuc.edu
Wed Jan 17 23:40:38 EST 2001


I believe you have SGI - have you ever tried NVIZ?
Do you get the same problem, which I now believe is
a bug that for certain combination of viewing position,
zscale and resolution parts of the surface are masked out?
it gets worse when you zoom out and when the file is big -
(say 1000x1000). Bill was supposed to look at it but
he still seems to have troubles with his computer.

It worked Ok with the GL version, but OPEN GL
calls are different - do we have an OPEN GL expert who could
look at it? Bob (Covill) do you have anything new about
this bug?

If this cannot be fixed, it needs to be put in the manual
that there is this bug - people may really struggle with it.

Markus, maybe you should put a link to my message about
what works and what does not in NVIZ in the manual page
(I have seen that message somewhere on your GRASS site)

Don't wait with the release because of this bug - but it
would be nice to have it fixed (I can provide the data and
example images if somebody wants to look at it).

I too think that beta11 should be released ASAP and that 
the LZW should be removed now - it will be too late to
do it after beta11, I am worried about it because i have 
about million FP raster files, but it really needs to be done and


P.S. markus, thanks for the ITR letter.

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