[GRASS5] Re: [winGRASS] cygwin and winGRASS status update
Markus Neteler
neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Tue Jul 3 11:58:50 EDT 2001
Hi John, hi all interested in winGRASS
(cc to grass5, gav)
[Note: the current problem of winGRASS is the lack of a generic
GRASS windows driver. As using a Windows-Xserver at time, the installation
is pretty complicated. If a generic GRASS windows driver would be available
GRASS installation would become a snap]
On Tue, Jul 03, 2001 at 07:31:27AM -0600, John Huddleston wrote:
> Once upon a time, I wrote to Markus about getting a small
> team together for 3-5 days to hammer out the issues together.
> I still think this is a good idea. If there are funds, or if we could
> get a sponsor for the WinGRASS version, this would help.
> We could cut a WinGRASS CD, charge $79 (US) and help
> defray the costs.
I still like this idea! Even using existing GPL'ed software to
extract their driver and modify for GRASS might be a way (gnuplot or
Ideas to support a winGRASS developers meeting are:
- find a generous sponsor (or more) to fund a GRASS monitor driver for
- start to presale a WinGRASS CDROM. I am sure that *many* people would
purchase such a CDROM, but I am not sure how many could be sold in advance
to collect money for a winGRASS developers meeting.
The German "GRASS Anwender-Vereinigung e.V." (GAV) is a forum to collect
fundings and to donate to such projects. But at time the GAV is far away
to sponsor such a meeting.
Probably there is a company or institution to spend a part of their "ESRI
tax" or whatever to push this idea?
Markus Neteler
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