[GRASS5] r.proj doesn't seem to be working properly

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Thu Jul 26 19:12:04 EDT 2001

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Andreas Lange wrote:

> What is confusing is that you must start r.proj from the mapset and
> location you want the data to be projected to, not the location where you
> the data are from. For the location parameter you only specify the
> location name, so if your DATABASE is /mnt/usr4/projects, and your
> location is nevada and the mapset is coeur, you would run: r.proj
> in=rochester-dem location=tmp mapset=PERMANENT out=rochester-dem.


  The destination directory is from where I was running r.proj; I got that
from reading the man page. In my brief experience with GRASS I've learned
that sometimes it wants the full path rather than the current directory, so
I figure that providing an absolute path name is harmless (even though it
means more typing). But, I'll try your suggestion anyway.

  Bruce had me try some variants because I don't keep all my data in a
directory (location) called PERMANENT, and apparently GRASS is simple-minded
about this. After playing with this idea for a while today, I tarred the
entire data directory and shipped it down to Texas for him to examine.

  The problem is that regardless of my using absolute or relative paths, or
from what directory I invoke the module, r.proj can see the location but
cannot see the PERMANENT mapset beneath it. This appears to be a bug in
r.proj. I'll know better tomorrow.

> Please note that no map datum transformation is done. You should also
> check that r.in.gdal created a correct PROJ_INFO file. There may be
> other issues because the raster is resampled/interpolated in some way,
> please refer to the man page.

  I'm aware that r.proj does no datum transformation. Yet, I hope. :-)  And,
r.in.gdal did create the suite of files properly.

> If you need to reproject from another database dir you need the add.
> datab-parameter dbase=/mnt/usr4/projects

  I'll need to look into this to make sure that I understand it. Thanks.


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

                       Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
            2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
                 Making environmentally-responsible mining happen.

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