[GRASS5] [bug #753] (grass) tcltkgrass menu system says xterm not found with Xfree 4.0

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Thu Jun 14 16:28:14 EDT 2001

Request Tracker wrote:

> * The first bug was using the tcltkgrass menu system to display data. When I 
> try to do 'display -> monitors -> start -> X0' or other, grass5 says xterm 
> not found. In the grass shell it works perfectly 'd.mon start=x0'. I think 
> it is because xfree 4.0 maybe comes without xterm. Then I did install 
> xterm.rpm from Internet and the problem disapeared.

All versions of XFree86 include xterm. Some distribution vendors may
choose not to include it in their core "X clients" package (e.g. 
because you could use rxvt or similar instead).

There might be a case for adding yet another environment variable,
e.g. GRASS_XTERM, to allow the user to select a different terminal
emulator program. Then we can argue about which should be the default
when multiple candidates are installed ;)

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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