[GRASS5] OT: english vocabulary aerial photo

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Fri Mar 30 10:54:57 EST 2001

Hi all,

hope you allow a partly off-topic question. We are translating
my GRASSbook into English and I am searching for some terms
for the orthophoto chapter.

An aerial photo own some flight information in border space

 |  instr1 instr2 ...    clock|  -> how do you call them?
 |                            |  -> name of this "stripe"?
 |                            |
 |                            |
 |      the photo itself      |
 |                            |
 |                            |

I have put above "info stripe" (how do you call this?) here:

Please tell me the specific english terms...

Thanks in advance,


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