[GRASS5] Re: installation/compiling instruction for GRASS on cygwin

Mike Thomas miketh at brisbane.paradigmgeo.com
Tue Mar 27 18:09:48 EST 2001


> 2.  For the paragraph on X-Servers, we should mention that the
> Cygwin/XFree86 and Starnet servers have been tested with grass.  None of
> the others have, as far as I know.

 I tried some basic operations with the Nutcracker DEC XServer on NT4 SP5
it worked (sockets build).

 > In the March 22 version of the XWin package, there is an experimental
> server for win9x.  I hope to try it out to see if it works, but I still
> suspect that the XDriver problems are caused by poor process management
> on those platforms.  I still think that we should only try to support
> grass on NT/2000.

On Win98 I have compiled and successfully run a small socket communication
example program which used fork as the XDriver does.  (The program
had nothing to do with XWindows, just fork and sockets, sending text back
and forth input via console stdio).

I suppose the problem could still be in process management but it is, I
think, a
positive sign for Win98.


Mike Thomas

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