[GRASS5] why GPL

Jan-Oliver Wagner jan at intevation.de
Mon Mar 26 08:14:08 EST 2001

On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 08:52:58AM -0800, strobe anarkhos wrote:
> Currently there is no framework like this, free OR commercial.
> Commercially it's not viable because the big companies prefer monolithic
> applications where people write specific tools for. However it is viable
> as a generally available framework that no specific company owns the rights to.

please don't mix up Free and Commercial. Free Software is _always_ Commercial
Software - it is a basic element of Freedom to make profit with Free Software.

I want to see many companies having commercial success with GRASS.
But all these companies must share, maintain and improve the same
basis. They differ in type of service and quality.

I don't want to see companies create proprietary elements around GRASS
even if it generates a larger user community. In the long run it would
be the death of GRASS.
I as a developer would stop contributing to GRASS and turn away to another,
Free, GIS project. However, I will not agree to downgrade my code contribution

Strobe, can you explain me in three short sentences why you are not
able to contribute your code under GPL?


Jan-Oliver Wagner               http://intevation.de/~jan/

Intevation GmbH	              	     http://intevation.de/
FreeGIS	                               http://freegis.org/

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