[GRASS5] r.in.gdal's problems with projections is G_get_window ()problem.

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Sat Mar 17 01:15:25 EST 2001

"Eric G. Miller" wrote:
> I've been wondering why r.in.gdal has problems handling imports of
> Arc/Info TIFF's into GRASS for a while.  Anyway, I can use the override
> switch, but then the cell resolution and extents are not properly set
> (gets the defaults nrows/ncols, resolution = 1.0).
> Does it work or would it help if an Arc/Info style .prj file was
> present?  GRASS really needs fully functional Arc/Info TIFF
> compatibility (and r.in.tiff is a mess).  If the GDAL/OGR stuff can
> translate the Arc/Info style .prj file already, then maybe just a change
> to the documentation would be sufficient (to note the capability).  If
> GDAL/OGR doesn't already support the translation, is there another way
> to get r.in.gdal to handle this scenario (so that it gets the affine
> parameters from the tiff world file, but overrides the projection info
> that'd be in a GeoTIFF)?


GDAL does support (to a limited extent) Arc/Info .prj files with 
arc/info grids (binary and ascii), but not with tiff files.  I haven't
actually seen this many times.  It could be easily added though, if this
is of wide interest. 

GDAL does support tiff world files, though I think the GeoTIFF info
takes precidence if it is there.  Perhaps this is your problem.  Your
world file is being ignored because there is some sort of dummy GeoTIFF
information in the file. 

Can you send me a listgeo dump from your file, or put the actual file
in ftp://gdal.velocet.ca/pub/incoming so I can get a better look at it?

I am interested in improving GDAL (and r.in.gdal) compatibility with 
Arc/Info but I am a bit nervous about taking ESRI info as overriding
what is in the geotiff file.  Keep in mind that you can use "tiffcp" to
strip geotiff info off files if you don't want it.  Tiffcp is usually 
installed on linux systems, and is available as part of the libtiff toolkit.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerda
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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