[GRASS5] Architectural difficulty with grass5 port: display driverfunction set changes (please read)

strobe anarkhos anarkhos at mac.com
Sat Mar 10 18:01:42 EST 2001

At 10:55 AM -0500 3/10/01, Robert Lagacé wrote:
>strobe anarkhos wrote:
> > 
>I like your proposition.

I'm glad I got some positive feedback.

I currently have a grass5 display driver project configured, compiling, and debugging so I'm moving ahead with my plan.

As far as I can see the complete command set is in SWITCHER.c which is currently the only only non-GENERIC source file I have localized. 

I'm first going to support all the 'GENERIC" functions then add layer commands.

I'm not going to worry myself about backwards compatibility, meaning drivers only supporting the 'GENERIC" functions can't use the new commands yet. Those can be added later (hopefully by somebody with more time on their hands than I).

My display driver currently exists as an application which can be executed from the command line or graphically, wish different results. From the command line it will act like a very simple display driver like XDRIVER while if launched from the GUI it will present the user with a complete 'specialized interface'. 

If the app is launched from the command line when it's already running I plan to notify the running app of the arguments passed then exit. 

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