Glynn Clements
glynn.clements at virgin.net
Tue May 1 02:57:15 EDT 2001
Justin Hickey wrote:
> I have changed references to PAGER to GRASS_PAGER as per discussions on
> this list a while ago. Also, PAGER should now be recognized by GRASS
> programs if it is defined before starting grass (so man inside the grass
> shell should still behave properly). Please let me know of any
> difficulties.
It appears that many files have hardcoded references to "more":
/usr/src/grass/src/general/g.setproj/get_stp.c:170: sprintf(buff, "more %s", Tmp_file1);
/usr/src/grass/src/general/g.setproj/get_stp.c:282: sprintf(buff, "more %s", Tmp_file1);
/usr/src/grass/src/libes/gis/get_datum_name.c:55: sprintf(buff,"more %s",Tmp_file);
/usr/src/grass/src/libes/gis/get_ell_name.c:36: sprintf(buff,"more %s",Tmp_file);
/usr/src/grass/src/libes/gis/get_projname.c:51: sprintf(buff,"more %s",Tmp_file);
/usr/src/grass/src/libes/gis/gishelp.c:33: sprintf(buffer, "more %s", file) ;
/usr/src/grass/src/libes/gis/list.c:67: more = G_popen ("more","w");
/usr/src/grass/src/libes/gis/TESTS/try13.c:19: more = popen ("more","w");
/usr/src/grass/src/misc/m.proj/get_stp.c:160: sprintf(buff, "more %s", Tmp_file1);
/usr/src/grass/src/misc/m.proj/get_stp.c:262: sprintf(buff, "more %s", Tmp_file1);
/usr/src/grass/src/raster/r.coin/cmd/inter.c:70: sprintf(command,"more -d %s",dumpname);
/usr/src/grass/src/raster/r.combine/cmd/get_cats.c:53: sprintf (command, "more %s", tempfile);
/usr/src/grass/src/raster/r.report/inter/run_report.c:84: build_command(command,full,0,"|","more",nv, as_int, cat_ranges, nsteps, fp);
/usr/src/grass/src/raster/r.support/inter/check_un.c:43: sprintf (command, "more %s", tempfile);
/usr/src/grass/src/raster/r.weight/inter/list_anal.c:91: sprintf (command, "%s %s", print?"lpr":"more",tempfile);
/usr/src/grass/src/raster/r.weight/inter/list_cats.c:54: sprintf (command, "more -d %s", tempfile);
/usr/src/grass/src.contrib/SCS/vector/v.report/inter/run_report.c:40: sprintf(name,"more %s",temp_file);
I would suspect that most of the actual programs can be changed,
although more consideration needs to be given to library functions. It
seems conceivable that spawning "less" in the wrong place (e.g. from
within an interactive program) might cause problems.
Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>
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