[GRASS5] [bug #859] (grass) raster data at lower resolution: no resampling...

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Tue Nov 27 19:33:14 EST 2001

Markus Neteler wrote:

> > > O.k. - the problem is that I have no idea what "resampled" means in
> > > this case. It seems that we have to study the related sources.I just want
> > > to understand what's happening.
> > 
> > I guess you should really look at the source and then write what you have found
> > into the prog manual and users manual (probably for g.region entry).
> > Does anybody know what it is doing already, to save Markus some time?
> Well,  I need assistance since I don't understand the code :-)
> It should be here:
> src/libes/gis/get_row.c
> [...]
>  *   Step 2:  Convert the data into a CPU readable format, and subsequently
>  *            resample the data. the data is stored in a second intermediate
>  *            buffer (the type of the data in this buffer is Y)....
> [...]
> Maybe someone professional looks with doxygen or whatever at the
> dependencies. Is it done in XDR or somewhere else? And what is done?

get_map_row_nomask() calls transfer_to_cell_XX(), either directly or
via one of the other transfer_to_cell_* functions.

transfer_to_cell_XX() calls one of cell_values_{int,float,double},
passing the mapping table FCB.col_map. This is generated by
G__create_window_mapping() in window_map.c.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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