[GRASS5] [bug #801] (grass) compilation errors in grass5.0.0pre2

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Mon Sep 17 10:46:16 EDT 2001

Bernhard Reiter wrote:

> IMO configure should stop of 
> FFTW or postgresql files are missing.
> If you then want it without these libraries you have to run the 
> accordings configure options.

Any particular reason why just these two? It won't stop if curses or
the math library aren't found, and either of those will cause a lot
more programs to be omitted than FFTW and PostgreSQL combined.

Right now, the following are all warnings:

	Unable to locate curses library.
	Failed check for math library.
	Unable to locate JPEG includes.
	Unable to locate JPEG library.
	Unable to locate TIFF includes.
	Unable to locate TIFF library.
	Unable to locate PNG includes.
	Unable to locate PNG library.
	Unable to locate GD includes.
	Unable to locate GD library.
	Could not determine Tcl version.
	Could not find 'tcl.h'.
	Could not determine Tk version.
	Could not find 'tk.h'.
	Tcl/Tk version mismatch.
	Unable to locate Tcl library.
	Unable to locate Tk library.
	Unable to locate PostgreSQL includes.
	Unable to locate PostgreSQL library.
	Unable to locate OpenGL includes.
	Unable to locate OpenGL library.
	Unable to locate GLU library.
	Unable to locate ODBC includes.
	Unable to locate ODBC library.
	Unable to locate FFTW includes.
	Unable to locate FFTW library.
	Unable to locate BLAS library.
	Unable to locate LAPACK library.

while these are errors:

	Unable to locate XDR functions.
	Unable to locate zlib includes.
	Unable to locate zlib.

I'm open to suggestions as to which should be warnings and which
should be errors.

I'm fairly certain that curses and the math library should be
mandatory, but I'm not so sure about the rest.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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