[GRASS5] Announcement: m.cogo -- Simple utility for translation bearing-distance to X,Y coordinates

Eric G. Miller egm2 at jps.net
Sun Sep 30 01:39:13 EDT 2001

I've put together a simplistic COGO utility for translation bearing-distance
measurements (like legal descriptions) to coordinate pairs.  It will also
do the reverse operation given a set of input coordinates.  I haven't
added it to CVS yet, as I don't know it's very useful in its current
form.  For those who'd like to try it out, see 
http://pweb.jps.net~/egm2/grass/cogo/m.cogo/index.html -- links to the
program files are at the bottom of the page.

It doesn't currently generate vectors, but its output can be piped to
s.in.ascii like:

GRASS> m.cogo -l input=cogo.dat coord=702672,4287043 | s.in.ascii sites=cogo

Generally, it needs a starting coordinate for either forward or reverse
operations (otherwise all calculations begin from 0,0).

I'd like to make a more useful variant that will generate vectors --
similar to v.transect.  But, I'm not familiar enough with common
survey file formats.  The current input format is also a bit rigid...

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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