[GRASS5] v.support/v.build

Michel Wurtz mw at teledetection.fr
Thu Apr 18 10:57:58 EDT 2002

Radim Blazek wrote:
> Yes, it may be better, the question is, what is "clever setting".
> I don't know enough about e00 and in file i have here is no
> threshold (BWT, where can I find e00 format description?).

Look at http://pages.infinit.net/danmo/e00/index.html
Daniel has a good analysis of it

> If you have threshold for e00, what that means?

The values used for pruning lines and for the ESRI equivalent
of v.support (the values may not be the same)

> If it means that the file contains unclosed areas with
> gaps < thresh and does not contain lines with vertices
> in distance < thresh it is of course best to use that.
> But I guess that's not thrue, at least for files generated by
> Arc/Info - I don't know.

If topological information is present, the topology is clean
(there is no gap : vertices are connected)

> If you have more files with supplied threshold, could you
> test to build with that threshold and threshold=0, and tell us
> the results?

OK, I will try

Michel WURTZ - DIG - Maison de la télédétection
               500, rue J.F. Breton
               34093 MONTPELLIER Cedex 5

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