[GRASS5] Proj library update

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Sat Apr 20 16:47:19 EDT 2002

Roger Miller wrote:

> I updated the proj library in the GRASS cvs to proj4.4.5.  
> There is a potential problem.  The Gmakefile in the CVS was recently updated 
> and the updated file did not compile the library.; it compiled the 
> (alphabetically) first *.c file in the directory and stopped.  The file that 
> I committed is the Gmakefile that I downloaded a couple days ago and modified 
> to compile the added functions.

I suspect that you were trying to use the new Gmakefile with the old
versions of src/CMD/head/head.in and src/CMD/generic/make.mid.

The new Gmakefile *does* work with the new versions of those files;
the version which you committed wouldn't have ("$(AR)" is now the name
of the "ar" program, not the complete rule for building a library).

I've fixed the Gmakefile (i.e. re-applied the changes between versions
1.1 and 1.4), so it should work.

However, as a general rule, don't overwrite updated versions of files
with versions which were generated from an older version. "cvs commit"
should complain if you try to commit a file which is based upon an
older version than the one currently in the repository.

Instead, run "cvs update"; this will attempt to merge the changes into
the working version, and will tell you if a conflict arises.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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