[GRASS5] Proj library update

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Mon Apr 22 08:14:24 EDT 2002

Roger Miller wrote:

> > Unlike the US files, I am pretty sure that ntv1_can.dat does not need to
> > be run through nad2bin.
> I hadn't checked previously.  I see the file is already a binary.  Is there 
> no problem using the same binary across multiple platforms, or will the data 
> work correctly on only specific platforms?

The output from nad2bin is platform-specific. It's basically the
CTABLE struct followed by an array of FLP structs, written in the
platform's native format.

AFAICT, ntv1_can.dat isn't in the same format as the output from
nad2bin. It's listed separately in nad/README (from proj-4.4.5):

		Other grid shift files
	ntv1_can.dat	--- Canadian NTv1 grid shift file (NAD27-->NAD83)

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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