[GRASS5] Proj lib update

Roger Miller rgrmill at rt66.com
Sun Apr 21 09:26:35 EDT 2002

Glynn pointed out that several programs in src.contrib/SCS used the proj 
library.  I've taken a look and found that UV is used in the code for 
v.out.dlg.scs, v.out.gef, v.mkquads.scs and v.proj.

Of these, v.out.dlg.scs and v.out.gef were used by the scs version of 
v.export.  Markus updated v.export to grass5 and there is now a duplicate 
source under src/mapdev.  v.out.dlg.scs is still compiled (I don't know why) 
but v.out.gef is not compiled.  v.mkquads.scs is not currently compiled.  
v.proj was updated to grass5 and there is now duplicate code in src/mapdev.

It looks like I may need to update v.out.dlg.scs, but the rest is apparently 
unused.  We have v.out.dlg.  Do we need v.out.dlg.scs?

I looked into some of the other code in the src.contrib/SCS directories and 
found that several of the modules were duplicated in src/mapdev, namely


Can the src.contrib/SCS version of these programs be removed from the 

Some of the other programs aren't ( as near as I can tell) compiled or used.  
These are:


Can these programs be removed from the distribution?

I didn't go through all of the programs in the src.contrib/SCS directories.  
I imagine there is other duplicated and/or unused, unmaintained code.

Roger Miller

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