[GRASS5] Glynn: Please branch. Rest: Hold Committs.

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Mon Apr 29 14:46:47 EDT 2002

Markus Neteler wrote:

> > > please go ahead and create the release branch as soon
> > > as you find time.
> > 
> > Done: releasebranch_26_april_2002_5_0_0
> Glynn, Bernhard,
> just curious, did you somewhat consider the former release branch for
> the selection of modules?
> Eg. the G3D tools are inside which does not make much
> sense except for s.vol.rst. Other modules I didn't
> verify yet.

I thought that we had agreed to include all of the code in the source
tarballs, but only enable working modules in src/CMD/lists/GRASS.

> Then:
> - how to handle NEWS.html? It will fork, right?


> - how to handle the html/ files - we should delete all modules
>   descriptions not available in the release branch (also update
>   the related overview pages)

AFAICT, this would have to be done manually.

The only real solution is to move the HTML files to the module
directories (which is where they *should* be, along with the
tcltkgrass "module" file, g.help file, etc). That way, the HTML and
manual pages would only be installed if the module itself is

> - more?
> Am I right that a merge back won't happen this time? Otherwise
> we would loose again new contributions to the development tree (HEAD).

What purpose does the head serve now? Shouldn't ongoing development be
moving to 5.1?

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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