[GRASS5] creating national british grid location

Heiko Kehlenbrink heiko.kehlenbrink at vermes.fh-oldenburg.de
Thu Feb 14 12:15:06 EST 2002

Hi all,

i want to creat a location based on the National British Grid (for main 
Thats how i set it up :


name: Transverse Mercator
datum: osgb36        (Ordnance Survey of Great Britain Datum 1936 I 
dx: 368.000000
dy: -120.000000
dz: 425.000000
proj: tmerc
ellps: airy
a: 6377563.3959999997
es: 0.0066705400
f: 299.3249646000
lat_0: 49.0000000000
lon_0: -2.0000000000
k_0: 0.9996012717
x_0: 400000.0000000000

As far as i know there is a false northing too, (+100 km).
Is it essentially to put it in the file and how?
y_0:100000.00000000000 (maybe?)

Thanks for any suggestions!

Best Regards

Heiko Kehlenbrink

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