[GRASS5] small grass distribution for web engine

Alex Shevlakov alex at asrv.fcpf.ru
Wed Feb 20 04:42:14 EST 2002


I tested the new grass distribution in the same web engine I used with an earlier version two years ago (it is called webgrass and the source is at http://motivation.ru/grass/webgrass.tar.gz).

I found out that little corrections had to be made in the shell scripts because of the changes in core grass code. After these small changes, I succesfully started the webgrass on another server (linux 7.1 http://motivation.ru/webgrass).

Concerning the installation, I thought why the old-fashioned way to strip the distribution to compiling only some modules by editing the "GRASS" file in the src/CMD/lists directory seems to be abandoned now. I found no description of such opportunity anywhere in pages with install instructions. Also, after compiling only small set of libs and modules needed by webgrass with configure and make, make install says 'you must run make' and does not install the dist.XXX directory as it would normally. Is this because I have to make all before installing? You should copy yourself the dist.XXX directory to /usr/local/grass5 after 'make', anyway. 

As there were questions concerning these issues in mail list, here is a new readme file to help setup (file README.alex.en in the source package).


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