[GRASS5] conversions and copyrights

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Sat Jan 12 16:39:33 EST 2002

On Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 10:29:45AM -0700, Roger Miller wrote:
> On Saturday 12 January 2002 10:01, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Unfortunately I can't wait for 5.1.  I and many other people working in North 
> America have to deal with the nad<->nad conversion on a nearly daily basis.  
> I think the grass developers would be getting far more pressure to offer this 
> capability if 5.0 had more North American users.  As it is, anyone using 
> GRASS now in North America has to either ignore the conversion problems or 
> cobble together some kind of work-around solution.

Hi Roger,

the GRASS 5.1 is less far than you may feel: It is available in CVS

cvs -z3 co grass51

The interesting points are
 1. recently a new Makefile system was implemented
 2. the configure links the GRASS 5.0 code into 5.1 automatically
 3. it fully compiles
This work was done by Radim Blazek as he needs a full environment
for the 3D/DBMS vector development.

Especially (2) is interesting: Like that we can experiment with
new code in /grass51 without loosing the connection to 5.0. I
recommend to develope the new code in /grass51 with a link to
the latest PROJ4.4.5 (preferably as shared lib). As only three
modules (or four?) are affected, the code handling is simple.

Current drawbacks:
 - the /grass51 will become really functional when then merge back
   from release to exp. tree is done as it need code from the experimental
   stuff (for the vector).
 - at time it is functional when built against the oldish experimental

But, after releasing 5.0pre3 next week we can directly merge back the
code. I suggest Wednesday for the 5.0pre3 tagging to give a few more
days for the urgent fixes to be expected.

It would be great to welcome more testers in the /grass51 section.


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