[GRASS5] conversions and copyrights

Eric G. Miller egm2 at jps.net
Sat Jan 12 17:48:37 EST 2002

On Sat, 12 Jan 2002 10:29:45 -0700, Roger Miller <rgrmill at rt66.com> wrote:

> Frank,
> Thanks for the feedback.  I hadn't thought to look for newer versions of the 
> proj library.  Certainly you are right that a more integrated approach is 
> better.

Yes.  And a more general solution (or set of solutions) is needed.  The
biggest problem with implementing any solution is the inadequate way that
coordinate systems are referred to in GRASS.  This, unfortunately, affects
more modules than those specific to projection (and that's why it was put
off to 5.1).

> Unfortunately I can't wait for 5.1.  I and many other people working in North 
> America have to deal with the nad<->nad conversion on a nearly daily basis.  
> I think the grass developers would be getting far more pressure to offer this 
> capability if 5.0 had more North American users.  As it is, anyone using 
> GRASS now in North America has to either ignore the conversion problems or 
> cobble together some kind of work-around solution.

Personally, I'd rather not see another partial fix get stuck into GRASS.  But,
I'm of the opinion that a general solution cannot be cleanly implemented until
the "system" for specifying coordinate systems is cleaned up, and itself
generalized ("Unknown/X-Y", "Geographic", "Projected (inc. Geographic)").

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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