[GRASS5] Want GNU libavl ?

Eric G. Miller egm2 at jps.net
Sun Jan 20 23:03:29 EST 2002

Working on the polygon simplification problem, I needed a balanced tree
to get efficient (n log n) sorted insert/retrieval.  Anyway, I grabbed
Ben Pfaff's libavl 2.0, and it is working out pretty nicely.

I was wondering if it isn't something we might not want to add to the
GRASS repository (note: Ben writes the "library" is intended to be
included in code directly rather than distributed as a shared library).
It has some useful trees:  A binary search tree, an AVL tree, and a
Red-Black tree (as well a some variants).  It also is ridiculously
over documented (really comes as a book in CWEB format).

Anyway, I expect to include the AVL tree portion already, so ...?

URL:  http://www.msu.edu/~pfaffben/avl/

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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