[GRASS5] Want GNU libavl ?

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Tue Jan 22 05:01:31 EST 2002

On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 04:38:24PM -0800, Eric G. Miller wrote:
> Frankly, I think the object-oriented'ness is less the issue, than the fact
> that most GRASS API's are very low level (or non-existent).  What is needed
> is grouping common tasks/functionality into library routines so that there's
> one consistent place to go to do X, rather than each module author having to
> duplicate a lot of code in other modules.

At GRASS Developers Workshop (Nov. 2001) we had an interesting talk
from Paolo Tonella, ITC-irst, exactly addressing above issue.
Find his paper (Postscript) at:
 -> Paolo Tonella, ITC-irst: "An Introduction to Clone Detection" 

Paolo Tonella <tonella at itc.it> is willing to help the GRASS Development Team
in working on above problems, guiding someone in applying the "clone
detectors" to the GRASS code. Perhaps a nice thesis for an upcoming software


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