[GRASS5] New GIS & GRASS5 user with many questions...

Samizdatt Samizdatt at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 29 18:24:22 EST 2002

GRASS5 is compiled, and appears to run, but are there any sample data sets I can use to test and familiarize myself with GRASS5? 

**********  Output from testgrass.sh **********
org:/install/grass5.0.0pre3 # ./testgrass.sh
testing in UTM projection environment:
projection: 1 (UTM)
zone:       13
datum:      ** unknown (default: WGS84) **
ellipsoid:  ** unknown (default: WGS84) **
north:      4928000
south:      4914000
west:       590000
east:       609000
nsres:      50
ewres:      50
rows:       280
cols:       380

Test the -129 r.mapcalc bug:

EXECUTING testmap = ...  100%
range: -129 -129
r.mapcalc bug test o.k.
Tests finished.

My goal is to display county level data sets, currently in FIPS codes, onto a map of the US, and individual states. I'd like to deliver the images via webserver to clients using a browser. As I perused the programming manual, I noticed that there are limitations to html's ability to render clickable points, which I can work through later, but I'd like to know if I'm on the right track in using GIS & GRASS5. Also, any links, hints or info anyone can provide to additional information would be greatly appreciated.


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