[GRASS5] Critical bugs for Release?

Roger Miller rgrmill at rt66.com
Tue Jul 16 20:56:47 EDT 2002

On Tuesday 16 July 2002 14:08, Bernhard Reiter wrote:

> > #1170	m.in.e00 segmentation faults
> > No idea.
> Then we probably need more input.
> I've lowered priority and asked to test the pre5 version,
> which has some changes. To keep the communication alive.

The seg fault was caused by a format that is used to read the point/polygon 
attributes table.  When reading a sufficiently wide table there is no white 
space between two adjacent values and the program reads an incorrect result.  
This was not changed in a CVS version more recent than pre5.

The long execution times and massive memory requirement are inherent in the 
way that m.in.e00 reads the point/polygon attribute table, but are a problem 
mostly in exports that contain large attribute tables.

I've fixed both of these problems to my satisfaction.  I have not changed the 
documentation or closely reviewed my code changes.  What is the deadline for 
committing the changes?

Roger Miller

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