[GRASS5] m.in.e00

Helena hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Wed Jul 17 14:35:42 EDT 2002

I have downloaded GRASSpre5 and I am testing it. 

I have found what is probably a bug
in m.in.e00 (it has been there probably all the time), but I would like
to ask somebody
to verify this, before I submit it as a bug, as it originally looked
more like bad input. 
However, the new v.in.shape imported the same data correctly and ARCINFO
reads the file
correctly too. The test files in e00 and shape format are here:


The problem is with floating point attributes - in the e00 file they are
multiplied by 10
and when GRASS imports it all FP attribute values are ten times what
they should be (e.g. soil
pH is 45 instead of 4.5).
I was wondering whether the e00 includes information about attributes
being x 10^1 which
GRASS ignores. I am not sure whether this is related to the #1170 seg
fault bug or anything 
that Roger has fixed as this is not a particularly big attribute table. 

Has anybody had any similar problem?


P.S. The new v.in.shape is great compared to the old one which could not
this particular file, however the new one imports it flawlessly.

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