[GRASS5] [bug #1140] (grass) Non-portable snprintf() used in several programs
Request Tracker
grass-bugs at intevation.de
Thu Jun 27 05:42:42 EDT 2002
this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=1140
Subject: Non-portable snprintf() used in several programs
Platform: Irix
grass obtained from: CVS
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: CVSreleasebranch_26_april_2002_5_0_0 grass checked out 20020618
I have already mentioned this problem on the grass5 mailing list, but was just reading the descriptions of types of bugs and realised this is a release-critical one, since it wasn't present in earlier versions and has only appeared in the last six months or so since I started using GRASS. Therefore I am obliging by reporting it. There are probably more important things GRASS developers could be working on fixing but I think attention to detail and overall code quality and portability is very important.
The following programs contain references to the snprintf() function and therefore fail to compile on the IRIX 6.2 system I am using.
Compilation error in module: src/libes/dbmi/clients (ignored)
Compilation error in module: src/display/d.db (ignored)
Compilation error in module: src/display/d.what.db (ignored)
Compilation error in module: src/display/d.what.vect (ignored)
Compilation error in module: src/mapdev/v.db.reclass (ignored)
Compilation error in module: src/mapdev/v.in.mif (ignored)
Compilation error in module: src/mapdev/v.in.shape (ignored)
Compilation error in module: src/mapdev/v.out.shape (ignored)
Compilation error in module: src/mapdev/v.to.db (ignored)
Compilation error in module: src/raster/r.in.shape (ignored)
Compilation error in module: src/sites/s.in.dbf (ignored)
Compilation error in module: src.contrib/GMSL/NVIZ2.2 (ignored)
(This list may not be exhaustive; I didn't attempt to compile every module.)
It was also mentioned in the mailing list before that even on systems that do provide snprintf(), the return value when an error occurs is not standardised, so that is another reason for not relying on the system library version.
Paul Kelly
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