[GRASS5] s.to.rast

Helena hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Thu Mar 14 16:13:32 EST 2002

Some time ago Kevin reported here that s.to.rast runs forever.
I looked into bug reports but did not find it there and I did not find
it among NEWS for latest
CVS snapshot, but I may have overlooked something- was it fixed?

I use s.to.rast a lot and I never had that problem untill yesterday
when I had gridded site data (at 1m step) and I ran s.to.rast on them
with the resolution
1m and region given from the site data. It was running forever.
Changing the resolution to 1.1m or keeping the resolution at 1m and
changing the
region solved the problem, however this looks like bug to me. Before
further I would like to ask whether anybody has looked into it.
(I am running pre2 but we have just installed the latest snapshot so I
can try it there).



Kevin Slover wrote:

> I compiled grass5.1 today...and absolutely love the new features that
> have been added...I played around with the sample data set that came
> with it...wonderful stuff...
> question, is there any documentation for creating a 3d vector??  Or
> how was that done??  This feature could not have come at a better
> time, and I would like to try it out for displaying a barrier... is
> there a quick and dirty way to make one??
> Thanks!!
> --
> LTJG Kevin Slover, NOAA
> GIS Specialist/Meteorologist/Oceanographer
> Tropical Prediction Center/Technical Support Branch
> 11691 SW 17th Street Miami FL 33165
> (W) 305-229-4456  (F) 305-553-1264

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