[GRASS5] Shapelib

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Fri Mar 22 10:33:23 EST 2002

David says:
>>As to the properties of shapefiles, it is confusing. The spec allows 
>>each `shape' to have its own type defined independently, but AFAIK this 
>>is not  yet (and probably now won't be) supported in ArcView, so 
>>presumably most implementors avoid this. That is why the export for 
>>GRASS was written to create layers in separate files.

David / Markus,

While each shape include a shape type with it, it has never been allowed
to created a mixture of types with the exception that null-geometry shapes
may be mixed in a file in some cases.

Markus says:
> Hi David,
> just curious: Are the SHAPE engine of GRASS (shape lib) and the SHAPELIB
> in GDAL/OGR still in sync. At least they are not in CVS.
> It might be a good idea to synchronize again as Frank Warmerdam and others
> put some efforts into the SHAPELIB (frmts/shapelib in GDAL/OGR).
> In general we may need a better solution how to deal with such important
> libraries from 3rd parties. Hosting them as well in GRASS CVS will
> tend to consolidate the non-synchronisation.

There have been no significant changes to shapelib for the purposes of GRASS.
I will try to remember to update the GRASS shapelib if there ever is a
significant change.  However, for something small like Shapelib I think
maintaining a copy within GRASS CVS is appropriate.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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