[GRASS5] The status of 5.0

M Lennert fa1079 at qmul.ac.uk
Mon Mar 25 16:24:09 EST 2002

On 25 Mar 02, at 9:54, rgrmill at rt66.com wrote:

> Helena wrote:

> > As for the "big GRASS 4 installations" are there any? All those that I 
> have
> > known here in the US
> > had to switch to ESRI products years ago (CERL, NRCS, USGS, etc.),
> > as it was manadated as a standard for government agencies.
> Probably a dark day for GIS development.  What ever happened to MOSS?
> The only large GRASS 4 installation I know of is at Blacklands.  I think 
> the full name is the Blacklands Agricultural Research Station, Texas A&M 
> University.  It's in Temple, Texas.  They used (are using?) GRASS and 
> SWAT for watershed simulation of major parts of Texas to assess the 
> possible water-supply impact from brush control projects.  I came across 
> them when we needed to review their model of the Canadian River basin.  
> They sent us several hundred megabytes of GRASS4 and SWAT files.
> I've always assumed that Baylor has a functional GRASS4 installation.
> I recall from a conversation on this list more than a year ago that 
> there might be some installations in France and possibly others 
> elsewhere in Europe.
> This is on a barely-related tangent.  A friend of mine once expressed an 
> interest in using GRASS in his research into the Martian 
> paleoenvironment.  I thought that was an interesting application.

If no one objects, I will launch a survey on the user's list, so that we can try 
to get an idea. I will have people send the answers to me personally, and will 
then report back with a summary of the results.

Here are some (quick) ideas for questions to ask. I don't know if it is better to 
leave responses open (more varied answers for us) or to give multiple choice 
of answers (quicker to answer for users) Please comment and add:

- What do you use Grass for ?

- How many people use Grass in your environment ?

- Which version of grass ?

- If not 5.x, why haven't you switched ?

- Do you use Grass "as is" or have you adapted it for your usage (i.e. 
modified/added modules and/or scripts) ?

- Would you prefer to wait longer and have the developers test Grass5 more 
thoroughly before its release, or would you prefer a rapid launch with 
subsequent bug-fixing releases ?


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