[GRASS5] The status of 5.0

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Tue Mar 26 05:29:08 EST 2002

On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 09:24:09PM +0000, M Lennert wrote:
> On 25 Mar 02, at 9:54, rgrmill at rt66.com wrote:

> If no one objects, I will launch a survey on the user's list, so
> that we can try to get an idea. I will have people send the
> answers to me personally, and will then report back with a summary
> of the results.

It is always good to known more about the users. 

> Here are some (quick) ideas for questions to ask. I don't know if
> it is better to leave responses open (more varied answers for us)
> or to give multiple choice of answers (quicker to answer for
> users) Please comment and add:

Doing short surveys it usually better to leave responses open,
but have good explanations or examples.

> - Would you prefer to wait longer and have the developers test Grass5 more 
> thoroughly before its release, or would you prefer a rapid launch with 
> subsequent bug-fixing releases ?

The answer of this question probably will not have a big influence.
It leaves out too many details which are important.
Very important is that we have motivated developers and we can
construct a good process.

It is never a good idea to release really bad untested software,
but all software will have bugs. The truth is somewhere in between.

Because of the unique situation GRASS is in,
I do not think we have much of a choice as trying to make
a transition in the way GRASS and its releases are handled.
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