[GRASS5] Zoom
Radim Blazek
blazek at itc.it
Fri May 3 04:47:54 EDT 2002
I must clear up, what G_define_standard_option() is.
It just calls G_define_option() and defines what is in g50 usually
done in modules (and repeated many times):
Opt = G_define_option();
Opt->key = "input";
Opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
Opt->required = YES;
Opt->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
Opt->description = "Name of input raster";
No new types are added to parser, sorry if I made confusion.
On Friday 03 May 2002 02:33 am, Eric G. Miller wrote:
> > No it is only old map for modules which dont have output (like d.vect).
> > (BTW, I think that input could be always input=, but map= is already
> > used in g50 and it seems to me that others want this distinction?)
> Hmm. I see some utility in being able to flag whether the datasource
> will be used for input, output, or input and output. Pretty much every
> module has to go through a bunch of checks for this, so why not have the
> parser handle it? The behavior might change if we move away from only
> being able to edit/write data in the current mapset.
I think, that most of modules, should not open vectors for update
(input and output, if I understand you well). Then data may not be lost,
if module crashes or incorect parameter is specified. The only
module which should update old vector is v.digit.
I agree, that some checks should be done by parser, but some probably
by *_open(). Typically:
1) map existence should be checked by parser and error printed, if necessary
2) error should be reported by *_open(), if it fails to open the map
I don't know, on which level should be checked, if the new map already exist,
(that needs some system, how to tell to parser/open function, if should
a)work interactively (ask what to do), b) overwrite or c) quit.
Instead of: ---------------------------------------------------------------->
vectfile = G_define_option();
vectfile->key = "map";
vectfile->type = TYPE_STRING;
vectfile->required = YES;
vectfile->multiple = NO;
vectfile->gisprompt = "old,dig,Vector";
vectfile->description = "vector file";
if (NULL == (mapset = G_find_file2 ("dig", vectfile->answer, G_mapset())))
sprintf (errmsg, "Could not find file '%s'", vectfile->answer);
G_fatal_error (errmsg);
level = Vect_open_old (&Map, vectfile->answer, mapset);
if (level < 1)
G_fatal_error ("File open failed");
if (level < 2)
fprintf (stdout,"\n");
fprintf (stdout,"v.support has not been run. \n");
fprintf (stdout,"\n");
exit (1);
should be enough: ---------------------------------------------------------->
vectfile = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_MAP);
Vect_set_open_level (2);
Vect_open_old (&Map, vectfile->answer, "");
> > V_CATS may be something like '1,3,7-9,11' and may be parsed by
> > Vect_str_to_cat_list (char *str, struct cat_list *list);
> Well, maybe something more generic like numeric list, with flavors for
> integers and floats?
Of course, it would be better, if somebody writes that functions in gislib,
I'll use that for vectors :)
> Is "struct cat_list" a new addition, or just for example?
Addition, defined in grass51/include/vect/dig_structs.h
struct cat_list
int field; /* category field */
int *min; /* pointer to array of minimun values */
int *max; /* pointer to array of maximum values */
int n_ranges; /* number ranges */
int alloc_ranges; /* allocated space */
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