[GRASS5] [bug #1460] (grass) critical import and display by r.in.arc within cignus OS

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Fri Nov 29 04:59:13 EST 2002

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=1460

Subject: critical import and display by r.in.arc within cignus OS

Platform: WindowsNT/2000/XP
grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
grass binary for platform: Downloaded precompiled Binaries
GRASS Version: 5.0.0 pre3 jan 2002

We have grass5 under windows 2000 with cignus emulator.

With this input file:

<           ncols #                  >
<           nrows #                  >
<           xllcorner 0              >
<           yllcorner 0              >
<           cellsize 1               >
<           nodata_value -9999       >
<           ....................     >
<           ....................     >
<           ....................     >
<           ....................     >

we launch command:
GRASS> r.in.arc
with default parameters.

Sometimes, not always, alternatively for certain numbers of rows and columns
we obtain a raster and we can also display.
Some other times , with unknown logic, at displaying we have following system error:

> WARNING: Fail of initial read of compressed file [layer100 in set1]
> WARNING: unable to open raster map [layer100 in set1]
> ERROR: Not able to open cellfile for [layer100]

May you help us, please?
Thanks very much.

davide lisa & emanuele gilio
TILAB (telecom italia lab)
via reiss romoli 274
10148 torino (italy)
tel.   00 39 011 2288581
e-mail emanuele.gilio at tilab.com
web    www.tilab.com

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