[GRASS5] g51: v.surf.rst

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Tue Oct 1 03:59:04 EDT 2002

On Tuesday 01 October 2002 03:13 am, Helena wrote:
> If I want to run it with contour data in vector format, do I just run
> v.convert ?

Yes, then let v.surf.rst read z values from category. (v.convert doesn't
use spatial index yet, so it may take a long time for large files.)

> Writing new man pages will be a lot of work but to get others started
> maybe
> if you could just link the command description (just to see the flags
> and options)
> to the table at
> http://freegis.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/~checkout~/grass51/doc/vector/v.modu
>les.html or add a "mini manual" to the GRASS man page
> http://grass.itc.it/gdp/html_grass5/index.html
> so that people get some idea what is available before they download
> GRASS5.1

Usually, it is obvious from otions (help) how module works. I don't have time
to write manuals. I hope that some user will do that (do not need to be 

> In that table, you can put SG3d vector update as irrelevant -, that
> module should be retired
> for 5.1 (I used it for about than 10 years and loved it, but it runs
> only on old SGI).


> We have both 5.1 and GRASS5.0 experimental - should we just get an
> update
> to get the new v.surf.rst?

cvs update + make


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