[GRASS5] [bug #1358] (grass) d.3d interactive more flexible than command line
Request Tracker
grass-bugs at intevation.de
Sun Oct 20 04:24:43 EDT 2002
this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=1358
I notice that one can manipulate a lot more of d.3d in interactive
mode than from the command line. Bummer. [GRASS 5.0.0pre1 (May 2001)]
By the way, too bad one must specify the coordinates of the to=, and
can't optionally give an angle instead.
OK, I suppose one writes scripts like 3d.view.sh.
BTW, I hope that earth's curvature is applied, as I am doing 1 degree
wide blowups of 50 km away mountains looking horizontally directly
across, in order to identify which mountains they were in family
And I sure wish the cursor would stay put, each time one does a run in
interactive mode, and not jump back to the first item.
BTW, interactive mode should allow one to continue after saving a
3d.view setting.
Also Grass interactive programs should use the readline library so one
can use C-p to recall earlier entries, etc.
In conclusion, I would like to click on a certain mountain in the
image created by d.3d to find more about it, e.g. coordinates, but
http://jidanni.org/ Taiwan(04)25854780
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Subject: d.3d interactive more flexible than command line
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