[GRASS5] [bug #1372] (grass) r.mapcalc: strange multiplication bug
Request Tracker
grass-bugs at intevation.de
Thu Oct 24 11:49:20 EDT 2002
this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=1372
while working with r.mapcalc (in fact r.mapcalc new version)
we came accross a strange multiplication error:
The idea was to multiply all values in
plancS11.30m at Curvature
with 100000. The result seems to be nonsense.
On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 05:43:25PM +0200, Steno Fontanari wrote:
baez:insubri 171%r.info plancS11.30m at Curvature
| Layer: plancS11.30m Date: Wed Jan 30 16:58:19 2002 |
| Type of Map: raster Number of Categories: 255 |
| Data Type: DCELL |
| Rows: 3251 |
| Columns: 3871 |
| Total Cells: 12584621 |
| Projection: Transverse Mercator (zone 0) |
| N: 5157109 S: 5059581 Res: 29.9993848 |
| E: 1728648 W: 1612512 Res: 30.00154999 |
| Range of data: min = -466153.648586 max = 466153.648586 |
| |
| Data Source: |
| |
| Data Description: |
| generated by r.param.scale |
baez:insubri 172%r.mapcalc 'pippo2=int(plancS11.30m at Curvature*100000)'
baez:insubri 172%r.support -r pippo2
Updating the stats for [pippo2]
baez:insubri 173%r.info pippo2
| Layer: pippo2 Date: Thu Oct 24 17:26:50 2002 |
| Mapset: erdemolo Login of Creator: fontana |
| Location: pat |
| DataBase: /mpa_gdata/ssi/BIO/GRASS_DATA/data |
| Title: ( pippo2 ) |
| |
| Type of Map: raster Number of Categories: 1082618906 |
| Data Type: CELL |
| Rows: 3251 |
| Columns: 3871 |
| Total Cells: 12584621 |
| Projection: Transverse Mercator (zone 0) |
| N: 5157109 S: 5059581 Res: 29.9993848 |
| E: 1728648 W: 1612512 Res: 30.00154999 |
| Range of data: min = -1082618906 max = 1082618906 |
| |
| Data Source: |
| Data Description: |
| generated by r.mapcalc |
| |
Did we hit an upper/lower limit of CELL?
If so, r.mapcalc should refuse to write an output map.
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Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 17:49:15 +0200
From: Markus Neteler <neteler at itc.it>
To: grass-bugs at intevation.de, Steno Fontanari <fontana at itc.it>
Subject: r.mapcalc: strange multiplication bug
Message-ID: <20021024174915.A24931 at itc.it>
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