[GRASS5] Re: GRASS tutorial

Sergiusz Pawlowicz ser at it-zone.org
Sat Oct 26 20:19:31 EDT 2002

--->[Quoting Moritz Lennert <mlennert at club.worldonline.be>:]

> If no one objects, I will announce the wiki tutorial project
> on the  users list next  week in  the hope to  motivate some
> people to participate.

No objections, but  also no support to this idea.  Do not tell
me that technical reasons interfere  with your mind to improve
documentation... Our expirience in Linux Documentation Project
(we  require docbook  or  linuxdoc sgml  files)  is that  lazy
people are not producing good documentation, how easy the tool
they use is.

Currently docbook files with  grass tutorial are rendered each
five minutes from cvs, you can see output under:


and everyone  with simple text  editor such a  notepad.exe ;-)
could improve it.

And please notice, that keeping  eg. translation up do date of
wiki documentation is _very_ hard.

Wiki web page is only helper  to improve or get user feedback,
not to write something.

cheers - Sergiusz
private: http://ibiblio.org/ser/  company: http://it-zone.org/ 
on wallpaper: tldp.org, gnu.org, pld-linux.org, hyperreal.info

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