[GRASS5] Re: [g-doc] Spanish translation

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed Sep 25 11:59:11 EDT 2002

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[cc'd to grass-developers list]

On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 10:19:31 +0200, Francisco Alonso Sarria <alonsarp at um.es> wrote:
> Hi
> I 'm doing a Spanish translation of some of the GRASS manuals as part of
> the materials for the GIS course I'm teaching in the University of
> Murcia  (http://www.um.es/geograf/sig/SIGgf2000/comandos.html).

Wow, that's already a great beginning. First thing to do will be to
make the existence of this page known to others. Do you object to me
putting a link to it on the GRASS pages ?

> One of my intentions was to use it as the begining of a more proper
> translation. So i'd like to have some feedback from yours and
> suggestions on how to do it.

Internationalisation of GRASS is one of the upcoming issues and not
all options have been discussed, yet. On the French list there was a
debate about transforming all man pages into docbook and then using
some tools such as gettext to facilitate translation. But this is
still in the project stage.

Up to now man-pages are directly in the source tree and will probably
stay there. The question will be whether to put the translations there
as well. One argument for keeping the two together was that man pages
are linked to the current state of the relevant modules. But putting
all translations into there might overcrowd the source tree. What do
the developers think ?

We could also put all the translations into the grass documentation
cvs module.

So, Francisco, just go on with the html pages you're doing right now,
they're great the way they are.
Once we have made a decision about the exact organisation we can
integrate your work.

Thanks again for participating in the GRASS project !

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