5.0.3 release candidate 1 - was: Re: [GRASS5] Roadmap: Numbering

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Mon Aug 25 03:59:45 EDT 2003

On Sun, Aug 24, 2003 at 06:17:11PM +0200, Stephan Holl wrote:
> *d.barscale:

> *g.column.pg:
See new main.c in my previous mail.

> *g.status.pg:

Find attached a new infxStats.c - please try.

-------------- next part --------------
#include "gis.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "infx.h"
#include <libpq-fe.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "glocale.h" /*March 02*/

/*A.Sh 12.99*/

int infxStats(tab, col, freq, where, verbose)
  char *tab;
  char *col;
  char freq;
  char *where;
  char verbose;
    int i, nflds, can_avg_col = 1;
    static char		SQL_stmt[1024];
    char buf[1024];
    PGconn *pg_conn;
    PGresult *res;
    char    *pghost;
    char wherecl[500] = " ";
    i = 0;

  if ( where ) sprintf (wherecl," WHERE %s ",where);

    pghost = G__getenv("PG_HOST");
    pg_conn = PQsetdb(pghost,NULL, NULL,NULL,G_getenv("PG_DBASE"));
    if (PQstatus (pg_conn) == CONNECTION_BAD) {
      fprintf (stderr, _("Error: select Postgres:%s\n"),PQerrorMessage(pg_conn));
      exit (-1); 
 if (freq )  {
  sprintf (SQL_stmt,"SELECT count(*) as count, %s from %s %s"
        " group by %s order by count(*)"
         ,col,tab,wherecl,col);  }
  { sprintf (SQL_stmt, "select avg(%s) from %s where oid is null",col,tab);
    res = PQexec (pg_conn, SQL_stmt );
    if ( PQresultStatus (res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK ) 
       can_avg_col = 0; 
    PQclear (res);     
    if ( can_avg_col ) {
       sprintf (SQL_stmt,"SELECT min(%s) as Min, max(%s) as Max, avg(%s) as Mean"
       " FROM %s %s",col,col,col,tab,wherecl);  }
       {sprintf (SQL_stmt,"SELECT min(%s) as Min, max(%s) as Max "
       " FROM %s %s",col,col,tab,wherecl);  }     
   if (verbose)
      printf ("\n\nExecuting\n%s;\n\n",SQL_stmt);

    res = PQexec (pg_conn, SQL_stmt);
    if ( PQresultStatus (res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK ) {
      printf (_("Error: connect Postgres:%s\n"),PQerrorMessage(pg_conn)); 
      exit (-1);      

    nflds = PQnfields (res);
    if (freq) {
    printf ("%10s, %-25.25s\n","Count",col);
    printf ("-------------------------------------\n");
    for ( i=0; i < PQntuples(res); i++) 
      { printf ("%10s, %-25.25s\n", PQgetvalue (res, i, 0), 
         PQgetvalue (res, i, 1)); }  
    } else {
    printf ("%10s, %10s, %10s\n","Min","Max","Mean");
    printf ("-------------------------------------\n");
    for ( i=0; i < PQntuples(res); i++) {
      if (can_avg_col)
        {strcpy (buf, PQgetvalue (res, i, 2));}
        {strcpy (buf, "undefined");}
      printf ("%10s, %10s, %10s\n", PQgetvalue (res, i, 0), 
         PQgetvalue (res, i, 1), buf);
    /* explicitly close select result to avoid memory leaks  */ 

    /* close connection to database */


	return 0;


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