[GRASS5] [bug #1848] (grass) merge of r.average, r.median and r.mode

Scott W Mitchell via RT grass-bugs at intevation.de
Thu Dec 18 10:04:30 EST 2003

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=1848

Request number 1848 was commented on by 'smitchell' (Scott W Mitchell). 
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			Request Tracker
			rt at intevation.de

Cc: grass5 at grass.itc.it

If there are no objections, I'd like to tackle this request tracker issue (Markus' suggestion #1848, 
to merge r.average, r.median, and r.mode), as I've been thinking a fair bit about these.

Currently there is the GRASS/R interface for this kind of work, but for some of the larger 
datasets I use, that's not very efficient.  There is also r.statistics, but it only works on integers.

I also have an "in-house" command (r.polystats), which evolved from some grass4.1 (r.pinpoly) 
code that I inherited.  It calculates several other statistics as well.  But it has lots of legacy 
"messy" code issues, so I'd like to take ideas from it rather than large amounts of code.

I'm thinking to package all of this functionality together into a "new" r.statistics, starting with the 
mode median and average "engines" from the current up to date modules, and adding in the 
other statistics as I get to them.

Comments, suggestions etc welcome.

Scott Mitchell
smitch at mac.com

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