[GRASS5] [bug #2254] (grass) d.site.pg should handle floating point attributes

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Thu Dec 18 19:04:50 EST 2003

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2254

Subject: d.site.pg should handle floating point attributes

Platform: GNU/Linux/i386
grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: 5.0.2

It would be nice if d.site.pg gave the user an option as to the type of data being 
pulled out (e.g. floating point or text) instead of automatically making it a category 
value.  Ideally, it could add an argument for each type which would be a list of 
columns containing that kind of attribute, so that 
d.site.pg coordx=east coordy=north cats=cat_col fp=fp_col1,fp_col2 str=str_col 
would yield 
east|north|#cat_col %fp_col1 %fp_col2 @str_col. 
But even just a few possible flags to define the type of the single value retrieved 
would be nice so that 
d.site.pg -c coordx=east coordy=north cats=col 
would yield east|north|#col, 
d.site.pg -f coordx=east coordy=north cats=col 
would yield east|north|%col, 
and d.site.pg -t coordx=east coordy=north cats=col 
would yield east|north|@col. 
Also, while on the subject, the tcltkgrass interface for d.site.pg should put the 
where argument in quotes so that white space in the where clause works 
properly.  Because of the way that arguments are passed, 
where="blah=1 and bleep=2" 
doesn't work the way we would want it to.  It has to be 
"where=blah=1 and bleep=2" 
so that it all gets passed as a single argument. 
That kind of problem should probably be looked up in other tcltkgrass interfaces 
as well, because it would come up anywhere a space is valid in an argument, but 
I've only noticed it in d.site.pg. 

-------------------------------------------- Managed by Request Tracker

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