[GRASS5] [Updated] Changes between 5.0.1 release and current CVS head

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Wed Feb 12 06:13:41 EST 2003

On Wed, Feb 12, 2003 at 10:41:23AM +0000, Glynn Clements wrote:
Content-Description: message body and .signature
> An updated version is attached. This reflects the situation after the
> recent sync; that consisted of whole-file changes, i.e. new files, or
> files which were replaced by the version from the CVS head.

Thanks for your efforts, Glynn! 
> - html/html/v.rm.dangles.html
> 	Removed
> html/vector.html
> 	Remove v.rm.dangles xref

The both above may go into 5.0.2. It simply fixes the problem
that the man page was not written earlier.

> html/html/d.vect.pg.html
> 	-e
> html/html/r.fillnulls.html
> html/html/r.flow.html
> html/html/r.flowmd.html
> html/html/s.surf.rst.html
> html/html/s.vol.rst.html
> html/html/v.surf.rst.html
> 	Change URLs (NCSU -> UIUC)

The old server is dead. That's why the updated urls should
reach 5.0.2.
> html/html/r.out.ascii.html
> 	-M -> -s
> 	ASCII -> binary
> 	input -> inout
> 	??? this doesn't appear to make sense, or agree with the source code

In my HEAD version I have
r.out.ascii help
 Converts a raster map layer into an ASCII text file.
 r.out.ascii [-hsMi] input=name [output=name] [dp=value] [width=value]
  -h   Suppress printing of header information
  -s   Write SURFER (Golden Software) ASCII grid
  -M   Write MODFLOW (USGS) ASCII array
  -i   Force output of integer values
   input   Name of an existing raster map
  output   Name of an output ASCII grid map (use out=- for stdout)
      dp   Number of significant digits (floating point only)
   width   Number of values printed before wrapping a line
    null   String to represent null cell (GRASS grid only)
           default: *

reflects this (since some days) [another reason to use G_usage_html()]. 

> html/index.html
> html/searchhtml.html
> 	index2.html -> index.html

Why not? The page index2.html doesn't exist any more.
> src/tcltkgrass/module/v.proj
> 	Fix v.proj tcltkgrass module

I vote for yes.
> src/mapdev/v.in.dgn/Gmakefile
> src/mapdev/v.in.dgn/README
> src/mapdev/v.in.dgn/main.c
> 	???

This was requested a few times on the user list, maybe we can
add it.
> html/html/m.in.e00.html
> src/misc/m.in.e00/info.c
> src/misc/m.in.e00/main.c
> 	list=
> 	???
...Roger Miller, if I recall correctly.
> src/scripts/contrib/r.univar/r.univar
> 	???

I vote for no.
> html/html/d.legend.html
> src/tcltkgrass/module/d.legend
> 	-o, maxfontsize=

Being author of -o, maxfontsize=, I vote for eliminating them.
The module is in hands of Hamish Bowman now.
So: yes.


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