[GRASS5] 5.3.0 release
Wolfgang Lueck
wolfluck at mweb.co.za
Fri Jul 18 18:46:21 EDT 2003
I object!
On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 21:13, Paul Kelly wrote:
> Hello
> I was thinking if the 5.3.x series is going to be identifiably separate
> from the 5.0.x series, we might as well go ahead and remove the internal
> copy of PROJ that is in GRASS and make an external PROJ installation an
> absolute requirement. This was discussed before and I thought it might not
> be a good idea to suddenly introduce the requirement but it would be OK in
> the context of 5.3/5.4. Would make the source code package smaller as
> well.
> Some features such as NTv2 grid transformations are only supported in the
> latest PROJ.4.4.7 and not in the private GRASS copy of PROJ.
> Maybe the GDAL bridge code could be removed as well and r.in.gdal not
> compiled unless GDAL was available at compilation time. Just in general
> this would make the linkage to external libraries cleaner I feel.
You realise that this is an additional installation hurdle for new
users. Do you feel that your user base is big enough and that your users
are capable of installing all dependency packages on their own? Remember
not all users are developers or really Linux / UNIX literate. I just see
all those queries coming in as soon as this happens. There are enough as
there are with postgres, tcltk versions, and ODBC whose libraries
residing in different locations depending on version and distribution.
It might be trivial for you developers but certainly not for the users.
Well If you go the route of removing PROJ and GDAL from the main
sources, we should consider setting up a package containing all
ancillary code and packages. Even if it is a bit outdated, this might
proove extremely valuable for Newbie's. These ancillary packages might
be things like R, Gstats, alternate GUI's such as QGIS or QGRASS dwg
import module etz. I still think that the biggest problem GRASS has is
the steep learning curve which starts with its installation and
configuration. I frequently have to install the package for fellow GIS
/ RS users.
Just my humble opinion.
> Are there any objections? I might not be able to finish the PROJ part for
> a week or two though if it is going ahead.
> Paul
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